Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Power of Questions

What is the importance of relationships in life? In what ways do they add or subtract value? What are the things that define who we are and where we are going?

I am at a point where I have came to question everything around me. Evaluating my surroundings and the "progress", or journey that my life has become. The daily routines of class, work, exercise, eating, and sleeping seem to have no intangible purpose. At least, it is difficult to always see how the immediate benefits can translate into bigger things. What are humans meant to learn about and how are they meant to live life?

Rather than trying to answer these questions, I find myself asking more questions, and feeling enlightened, yet overwhelmed with possibilities. I come to the question of, what do I want to create, in conjunction with the beliefs of the rest of the world? Do we know what we commit to when we go through our day, and how our daily activities are going to impact the rest of our lives?

Globalization seems to be a popular notion today, albeit relatively new. But are we at a point where our countries, states, and communities are connected and sophisticated enough to be interested in forming a global community? After all, how much do we even interact with our neighbors? Something that I am and would believe many are guilty of is devaluing even small interactions with others. We close ourselves off to the people who are even the most accessible. How often do we have meaningful conversations with people we are passing by at work, class, or an extracurricular activity, and why do people value time itself rather than how time is used? Would it be better to perceive time as possibility rather than money or self advancement?

I know that many of us are well intentioned with the things we do and that there is value in structure and organization, but the question I am asking is - What type of structure are we creating, and what do we want to create?

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